CS4.OneData Beta - Api Reference

Version 21.5.6


General Info

Smart Name


General Info

1. Object with property IsDefault with value true cannot be modified
2. Guid should be in lowercase without any symbols and length should be 32


Names will be converted using SmartName function when used in objects to avoid duplication. SmartName converts text into lowercase and removes all spaces. For example "Service Charge @ TUT" and "ServiceCharge TUT" are same. Both are converted to "servicechargetut" to avoid duplication.


1. Every object contains Id, Guid and Name. Some objects contain Code in addition. Id will be either in the name of Id or sometimes Id will be like AccontId, TransId etc.
2. Id will be auto generated.
3. Guid can be set while creating object. If it is not set Guid will be auto generated.
4. Guid should be in lowercase without any symbols and length should be 32.


ContactName is required to create Contact.


CommentDate, CommentText, ParentType and ParentId is required to create Comment. ParentType can be used to group object types like Tasks, Invoice etc. ParentId can be used for TaskId, InvoiceId etc.